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Summer Wrap Up

Back to School

Summer Wrap-up: Preparing Kids for School Adventures

This can prove one of the most daunting tasks, especially for mothers, to get their kids back to the school routine after summer vacays. These leisurely spent two to three months disrupt the entire routine of pupils, and they feel quite lazy going back to school. They are more into waking up late, spending time with grandparents, and going on summer trips. All these make transitioning back to school routine challenging for kids.

You must wonder how you can help your kid transition smoothly. No need to worry, as we have got you covered in the guide below. In it, we have explained things to teach kids during summer and multiple ways to motivate your kids to get back on the school track. We have also mentioned a back-to-school checklist for your convenience. So, without any further delay, let's get straight into the guide!

How to Ensure Kids Stay on Track During the Summer Break?

Before hopping straight on to the motivational tips, let's have a look at things to teach kids during summer.

8 Ways to Motivate Your Kids for School after Summer Vacays

Below we have mentioned multiple ways to motivate your kids and intrigue their inner students. Where it's difficult for parents, things also fall in the same category for kids. Their laziness is a natural response to the change in their routine. Spending a few months without any bedtime schedule, daily homework, or class schedule induce it. But, with the right ways, you can motivate them, smoothing the transition.

1.  Let Them Shop for Back-to-School Accessories

It’s one of the most successful techniques. Get your kids to shop for the good they want and spark excitement about the new accessories. Be their books, stationery, a new bag, or anything they love. When shopping, ask for their opinion and value their choice to excite them even more.

2.  Gift Them Gift at the First School Day

Show off your love by gifting a present, tempting them to fulfill your expectations. You can also promise to take them to their fav location or park for fun. It depends on you how keenly you observe their favorites and gift them something special relying on it. According to research, kids loved by parents tend to perform well to get more attention and appreciation from their parents and try to make them feel proud in one way or another.

3.  Get Them Back on Schedule a Little Earlier

One mistake most parents make is letting their kids go through a sudden transition to school routine. This makes things difficult for pupils; as a child, they require time to adapt to different routines and learn to be happy with them. Being responsible parents, you should not wait for the first school day after vacays. Instead, make a schedule one week earlier and ask them to follow it, especially focusing on waking up and sleeping timings.

4.  Explore New Class Room Before the School Begins

If the school permits, you must hang out with your kids at their school. In Las Vegas, kids are promoted to new classes after summer vacation, so new classes will be assigned. You can let them explore what's awaiting them. The games, toys, and vibrant color theme will entice them to return to school ASAP.

5.  Minimize Their Screen Time

You have to focus on this pointer to get the kids on schedule. Gradually minimize their screen time, reducing their technology use. Instead, indulge them in fruitful hobbies like reading books or spending time with grandparents. Don't force them to do so; play smart and induce the changes within them so they don't notice it.

You can also discuss the good times they have spent in school or ask them about their friends and teachers.

6.  Let Them Think of School as a Second Home

Throughout the vacations, you should frequently remind them of how important school is and why they call it "Second Home." Instill in them supportive aspects of school and spark their interest in education. You should not let them be worry-free about their studies; ask them to explore the study material they will teach in the next school year.

7.  Inspire them with Your School Stories.

Stories can influence children significantly. So, why not share with them one of your school stories to inspire and encourage school-going habits? You can explain any competition you took part in and won a reward, any fun things that happened back then, or how you used to deal with the school challenges. This way, you can shift their attention to school.

8.  Throw a Back-to-School Party

What about arranging a back-to-school party for your kid and inviting all their friends? This will motivate all of them to return to school with happy faces. You can arrange it a day before school re-opening. Include different games for kids to refresh their minds and intrigue their creativity.

It’s not necessary to arrange parties every year at the end of summer vacations. Do it once and help your child think differently. Tell them that there are so many friends in school, the way you made fun with them today, you can enjoy the same experience over and over by going to school daily. Believe this will surely work.

How can you motivate your kids, preparing them for school life challenges? But your responsibilities don't end at this; it was just a thriller, and the main content lies ahead. So, be sure to read until the end.

Back-to-School Checklist for Healthy Kids

Besides motivating your kids, you should also consider a back-to-school checklist for healthy kids. This includes arranging all the child health examinations and ensuring preventive measures for school goings. Here is what you will need to do:

Go for a Physical Exam

A physical exam is necessary to ensure that your kid is doing well in all aspects of health and pinpoint any deficiency or health issue that needs to be treated. Keep in mind, as your child grows older, they need mental examination along with physical ones too. According to Cleveland Clinic, children aged between 12 and 17 are prone to depression and anxiety. So, keeping a check on mental health is also an important thing to add to the list.

Ensure Dental Examination

Kids love consuming candies, and we all know how detrimental these sweets can be to their teeth. However, besides controlling their sweets cravings, you should also take them for a dental examination. This will help identify and treat cavities, jaw misalignment, etc., at an early stage of development and avoid complications.

Go for Eye Checkup

According to research, around 80% of your child's learning is visual. However, their vision changes frequently when going through school, making eye examination a must to include in your checklist. This child health examination will help pinpoint any issue with eye tracking, eye focusing, or nearsightedness and farsightedness.

Get Them Vaccinated

When in schools, kids are a risk of catching contagious diseases. So, ensure to vaccinate them against certain diseases, like Polio, Influenza, Hepatitis A and B, Chickenpox, and more. Generally, both private and public schools have specific requirements for vaccination documents. Get in touch with them, take the vaccination form to the doctor to fill it in, and complete the vaccination course. Ensure to keep a copy of vaccination records.

Stock Their ADHD Medications

You should stock ADHD medications for the start of school. Best ADHD medications for kids include methylphenidate, lisdexamfetamine, dexamfetamine, atomoxetine, and guanfacine. These medicines help the functioning of brain cells, improving focus. They target norepinephrine and dopamine (important brain chemicals) to influence concentration and attention.

Considering all these checklist points, you can rest assured that your child is set to return to school. Alternatively, if an issue needs to be addressed, you can insult their teacher beforehand.

Wrapping It Up!

Conclusively, the summer wrap-up might be a challenging time for both parents and kids. But it's indeed an opportunity for them to spend more time together, caring for each other and exploring true meaning. By motivating them to go back into the school zone in one way or another and caring about their health, parents give kids a feeling of being pampered and cared for.

Though some children enjoy these feelings every day; for kids with hectic routines handling parents, these might be game changers. Therefore, we hope you found this article worth reading. As always, the staff at Healthy Kids Care at Sunrise are here to answer any questions or concerns.

In Health,

Dr. Atousa

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