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Safety Tips for a Happy Holiday !

Safety Tips for a Happy Holiday !


The holiday season is a time for celebration. A time for gift giving and giving of ourselves. The spirit of the holidays is in the ‘togetherness’. It is in the thought we put into thinking about others.  It is a selfless time, we forgive, take stock of what is important and become ‘better’ versions of ourselves.

At this time of the year, we become more charitable, more accepting, and generous with gifts, emotions, and our time.  We recognize the need in others. We volunteer, donate, cook, call friends, and loved ones. Our hearts and minds are open.

Holidays can also be stressful. We may worry about finances and how we will manage to pay for it all.  There is also the balancing act between family, friends, cooking, decorating, shopping, travel, wrapping gifts, mailing out packages, and yes….work.

Preparing for the holidays

*    Give something personal. We can show love and caring with any gift that is meaningful.

Keeping our families safe.

*    Check all holiday light cords to make sure they are not frayed or broken.  It is recommended to keep three or less strands of lights per extension cord.

*    Be cautious of lights and ornaments made of glass. Our little ones may put loose items in their mouth.

*    A safety gate around your holiday tree may also be a way to keep your toddler safe.

*   If you have an artificial tree, look for the fire-resistant label. When putting it up, keep it away from fireplaces, radiators, and other sources of heat.

*    If getting a live tree, make sure it’s fresh and check the water level daily.

*    If using older decorations, check their labels. Some older tinsel is lead-based. If using angel hair, wear gloves to avoid irritation. Avoid breathing in artificial snow.

*    When decorating outside, make sure decorations are for outdoor use and fasten lights securely to your home or trees. If using hooks or nails outside, make sure they are insulated to avoid an electrocution or fire hazard.

*    If using a ladder, be extra careful. Make sure to have good, stable placement and wear shoes that allow for good traction.

*    Do not use electric lights on metallic trees.

*    Remember to turn off all holiday lights when going to bed or leaving the house. A timer is also a good idea.

*    Keep children, pets, and decorations away from candles.

*    If hanging stockings on the fireplace mantel, be sure they are not hanging too low.

Staying safe while traveling.

*   Double-check all doors and windows before leaving. Remember to secure your garage door as well and remove any spare keys you have stashed outside.

*   Unplug electronics and small appliances. By unplugging TVs, coffee makers, lamps, and computers, you can avoid costly repairs if there is a power surge or worse, a fire.

*   Ask a neighbor or friend to check on your residence each day. Have them check the mail and pick up any newspapers to avoid the appearance that no one is home.

*    Consider wearing a mask while in crowded places.

*   Install exterior and interior lights with timers or motion detectors. This can help to leave the impression that someone might be home.

*   Secure any vehicle being left behind and remove all valuables from it. If a vehicle burglary occurs while you are away, you may not even realize it until you return home. Avoid making your vehicle an easy target by locking the doors and removing all valuable items.

*   Consider waiting to post photos and videos from your vacation to social media until after you’ve returned home. This advertises that you are not home and makes you a potential target for criminals.

Safe shopping tips.

Vehicle safely tips.

With so many people out and about, you may encounter aggressive and/or drunk drivers on the road. Remember to drive defensively and do not allow road rage to rise. Parking lots can be dangerous too, so be on guard.

Online shopping security.

On behalf of myself and my staff, we wish you a wonderful holiday season. We believe the holiday spirit is in all of us. We have the ability to awaken it in ourselves and in others.


Dr. Atousa

Healthy Kids Care at Sunrise

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