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Beyond Shots: The Power of Childhood Vaccination in Disease Prevention


Beyond Shots: The Power of Childhood Vaccination in Disease Prevention

In many under-developed countries, proper vaccinations aren’t carried out in many children. This can be extremely harmful, as children who haven’t had their vaccination shots taken on time are vulnerable to certain diseases. Hence, people must understand the essential reasons to immunize their children and educate those around them.

According to Mayo Clinic, early childhood vaccinations can help protect children from 14 different illnesses, many of which can devastate a child’s life. With the advancement in medical science, children are protected from even more diseases than before, toning down the statistics for death and disability.

One solid example of this is Polio, which, when it occurred as a pandemic, took millions of children's lives globally and left many with a crippling disease. With proper vaccination, Polio is now eliminated in many countries. 

Moreover, vaccines can help protect children from diseases like measles and tetanus, which have no cure. At the same time, vaccines are an exceptional preventive measure; WHO estimates that vaccines alone prevent two million deaths among children annually.

In under-developed countries, a lack of resources and education has led many people to believe vaccines are unsafe. However, this is not the case. Vaccines are highly effective and among the safest tools present in modern sciences to help prevent disease. 

Before making its way out into the world, each vaccine is tested through a set of protocols before approval. Many public health professionals across the globe are constantly educating people on the benefits of vaccinations.

With proper vaccinations, not only can you ensure that your child is protected from a particular disease, but it also helps you protect those you care about. With a lower significance of a disease impacting a child, the chances of the condition being passed to those around them decrease. Hence, through vaccinations, we can ensure the adequate health of our children, ours, and those around us.

Vaccines have reduced, eliminated, and even eradicated several diseases that significantly impacted people's lives and were the highest cause of mortality just a few generations ago.

What Diseases Have Vaccines Helped Prevent Over the Years?

According to the WHO, vaccinations against several diseases have helped reduce or eradicate them. Some of these few diseases which greatly impacted the world at one time but are now hardly potent enough to cause severe impacts are:

While all these diseases have been controlled or eradicated by their specific vaccinations, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are some diseases against which vaccines are recommended. Some of these are:

Crucial Childhood Vaccinations Your Children Should Get on Time!

Let’s now have a look at the vaccinations that your children should receive in early life stages for disease prevention over the rest of life. 

Chickenpox – Normally, two shots of Chickenpox vaccination are given, one at 12 to 15 months and the other at 4 to 6 years. 

Hepatitis B – For optimal protection against Hepatitis B, three shots of vaccination are recommended at birth, 1 to 2 months, and 6 to 18 months. 

Diphtheria – Vaccination doses for Diphtheria are normally five, offered at 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 15 to 18 months, 4 to 6 years, and 11 or 12 years. 

Polio – Children should get one dose at each of the ages of 2 months, 4 months, 6 to 18 months, and 4 to 6 years to ensure prevention of Polio. 


The diseases and their antigen, if not controlled or taken action against, tend to become stronger. We all need to work together to avoid this happening for a safer world. Hence, inclining towards vaccinations and getting vaccinated on time is one aspect you can take for your child's safety and the betterment of your community. 

We hope this article was sufficient enough to add to your knowledge. Our staff at Healthy Kids Care at Sunrise is here to answer any questions or concerns.

In Health,

Dr. Atousa      


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