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What are best Back-to-School Tips & How to Prepare my child?


Welcome!  Our clinical team at Heathy Kids Care at Sunrise would like to thank you for taking a moment to visit our blog.  As a parent and pediatrician, this may be the perfect forum to share experiences and ideas.  

As a board -certified general pediatrician and Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics, it has been my greatest pleasure to be part of your medical care needs. Please feel free to share, make comments and suggestions or share a great idea for our next blog.  Looking forward to hearing from you! 


As the new school year quickly approaches, it is important to do some preparations to assist your child with a meaningful and happy school experience.  Beginning the preparation two weeks before school starts will assist your family with a stress-free first day of school. 

Back to School, Back to my Pediatrician 

It’s a great idea to make an appointment with your Pediatrician for a wellness exam.  This appointment will give your pediatrician the opportunity to do a thorough physical exam.   You can address any emotional, developmental or social concerns.  You will build your child’s medical history which will allow his/her progress to be documented.  Your pediatrician will also administer any required vaccinations. 

Encourage Outdoor Play and Social Settings 

Playing with other children can improve your child’s social skills and self esteem. This may be the perfect time to make play dates to acclimate your child to the social surrounding of a school setting.  According to the Journal of Science and Medicine, socialization and playtime increases a child’s empathy, engagement and self control.  Children with better social skills are likely to enjoy healthier relationships. Studies also found children with better social skills are twice as likely to go to college and less likely to experience abuse, obesity and violence.   

Involve your Children in the Back to School Preparation 

Once a school supply list is received, have your child gather school supplies they may already have.  Prepare a shopping list of items still needed and take them along to make the purchase. 

Assign and label designated areas for backpacks, lunch boxes and shoes. 

Make it a fun day of shopping for shoes, clothes or other items needed.  It may be beneficial for  your child to realize that school clothes are for school days.  Utilize a closet organizer.  Prepare school clothes in an organized cubby for each day of the week.  On laundry day, place everything your child needs to get ready for each school day such as  underwear, socks and what they will be wearing for that particular day.   

Practice Makes Perfect

Begin preparing your child for the time they will be getting up for school as well as the time they will be going to bed.  Pretend it’s a school day and practice.  Go  through the steps of getting up, dressed, fed, and out the door. 

Drive By 

Visit the school or classroom before the first day of school.  Teachers or principals may invite families to visit ahead of time.  If not, take a trip to the school to see the building and playground.    You may also invite the teacher to do a facetime with your child. 

Encourage Gratitude and Compassion

Gratitude is beneficial to our children’s physical and mental health.  It increases happiness and builds self esteem.  It helps your child sleep better at night. Take a moment before dinner to give each other one genuine compliment.

Help your child Notice, Think, Feel and Do. Notice what we have in our lives.Think about why others are so giving. Feel kindness , generosity and love

Do something to express appreciation in words or actions. Have your child document moments of thankfulness and gratitude. 

Celebrate ! 

Children can feel anxious about starting school. They are unsure of their teacher, what the expectations are, new surroundings and classmates. 

Fostering positive attitudes and building their self esteem can elevate some anxiety.

Have a family celebration. Make their favorite meal or go to their favorite restaurant.  Invite family and friends.  Share your favorite school memories. Have a toast to celebrate new beginnings and a great school year. 

Call our office today for help in getting your kids ready for school! 

Healthy Kids Care Team

(702) 444-7685







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